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Hello and welcome to my FMP project my final major for college 2019, where after spending a term on the film and media course we collectively used the knowledge we’ve learnt, and use that to create a final piece, collectively this final piece can be anything we desire relating to media, I happened in quite some time as to what exactly I would like to do for this final major, after coming to college the several years now doing various different final major projects, when my last years attempt was trying to do a live action film beer parody spoof of action films.

















That production fell flat as it is collectively hard to keep all the live-action actors together I’m the story itself just getting too ambitious and big for its own good, so this year my goal is to do something far more simple than something complex, as I think that’s the biggest error of last years project.




I then to look upon as to what has been the key aspects and talls I’ve immediately working on during this term, I realise that the key I had a fascination with creating animation, not been used to working with actors I want to go working in a environment that I had complete control over, and what better method to use then animation where your actors are only clay models shapes on a computer monitor and drawings. You can make them do whatever you like without any limits.


















And something I’ve been yearning to do was to make a complete animated Short film, to claim my own characters and my own little world and have something to show everybody.


But what exactly was I going to do for a short film, so I decided since last year I tried to create a comedy with my silly action film, I decided this year I wanted to create something that’s far more meaningful, and something impactful that will make the audience think in another way.


I had loads of ideas but was stuck as to which one I wanted to fully invest in, and making sure the ideas didn’t exceed too long as I didn’t wanted another film that’s impossible to complete.


I then remember that couple years ago, I created a short film called School Reflection with rather amateurish animation that reflected poorly on my extent of how to do animation at the time, the film itself was about my personal experiences dealing with secondary school on how I coped in that environment, a matter that complicated things with my relationships with teachers and students, was that I found out the time I had autism which basically meant that growing up the way my mind worked to develop was slightly more different among everyone else’s, where the way I fought and thanked and functions, was not in the conventional sense, for example during my teen years I was very sensitive emotional I didn’t quite fully realised that some certain behaviours was not appropriate, but as soon as that that what was growing up was like, so because of this a lot of students and teachers Fort I was just being a naughty kid gaining attention for always crying, and might have said the wrong things at the wrong time without realising that those aspects were inappropriate.

















So during my years at secondary school I was very distinct from other people, so I was often quite lonely and sad.


So I decided to create a personal short film of the time to reflect on how I was feeling and what my state was at the time, is such a personal video it went down very well, although upon reflecting back on the film the animation techniques I wasn’t overly flattered with, and some story making decisions I wouldn’t exactly do them today after thinking more critically in terms of storyline, so I decided to show off my revolution and how five come on creating films in general and my animation techniques that I would really make this previous old film to reflect this. My tutor especially was very supportive on the idea having to deal with special needs students for number of years now he felt like that there were indeed some students within the classroom that did not fully understand or comprehend those with special needs, so this type of video was still overly necessary in today’s society.


The storyline would feature a young autistic lad cooking through secondary school trying to remain calm and symbolise while trying to settle in an environment where nobody quite understand as to his odd behaviour.


The original short film was about 12 minutes long, I decided to aim for a time bank that was about half the length roundabout 4 or 5 minutes only because at the time of the new animation techniques that I had acquired I was unsure as to how much animation time I would achieve in the mad time I had to create the short film so I decided just to keep it in a short time length.
































So after consideration on the story direction the exact source of inspiration and people I wanted to replicate styles from, and how exactly I going to create animation I sat down my tutor presented to him a small pitch showing off as to how exactly I was going to create the short film.

Pitch and Proposal

FMP 2018

Limited project at the beginning of this Term

School Reflection

FMP 2017 

0:08 introduction

0:43 an overview

1:14 plot of the film

1:32 what ways are you revisiting it

1:51 what’s the theme

2:27 is it going to take in from college life

2:45 people of got inspired from

3:39 do I believe it would speak to my audience

4:13 New Animation

5:20 ideal schedule

5:44 are you on schedule

6:11 when do you think you’ll start the animation

6:47 Documenting

7:33 retro trailers

8:13 my new company logo

11:16 what do you see as the biggest challenge

12:16 what skills have you learned to help you

13:04 how will you evaluate your project


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